Wood Space Fish

the sketchisodes

This section contains exerpts from fly on the wall and/or shorter topical conversations with artists.

The sketchbook is a place that I find essential to many artists’ practice. This practice can vary from a traditional book to a way of working or even to a warm-up habit an artist might do when seeking. While it can be very exciting to experience the finished outcome of this process both the fly on the wall and the wood space fish; the sketchisodes (excerpts from the former) aim to pull back the curtain and reveal what really happens in an artist development of a personal creative mandate, a way toward the built that stands on a great deal of undone or unbuilt ideas.

Perri Howard

This sketchisode features Pacific Northwest artist Perri Howard in a conversation about her sketchbook practice and the undone. “I have all of my sketchbooks since I was sixteen.” It is a feature for Drain Magazine’s (un)built edition, and it is Vol 18:1, 222. You can see Perri’s work at https://www.perrilynchhoward.com/

Yoella Razili

This sketchisode features Los Angeles artist Yoella Razilli in a conversation about her sketchbook practice and the undone. “A sketchbook helps me galvanize my thoughts.” It is a feature for Drain Magazine’s September 2022 edition on the (un)built edition, and it is Vol 18:1, 222. You can find her work at https://yoellarazili.com/ and on instagram for purchase @yoella_razili.

Emily Counts

This sketchisode features Seattle artist Emily Counts in a conversation about her sketchbook practice and the undone. “Every sculpture I make comes out of something I have sketched out.” It is a feature for Drain Magazine’s (un)built edition, and it is Vol 18:1, 222. You can see her work at https://emilycounts.com/


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