Artist Statement

On this journey you will see me dancing patterns of the stars in order to fly into the sky and tunnel beneath the earth; you will encounter, Tigers, bears, and skunks; and the weather patterns of the unconscious of a single individual. These signs all signify something.  These guides are meant to introduce you to a map that can unlock your own adventure, based on personal experience of one who has traveled the terrain. These works are based on knowledge but also knowing. A kind of knowing that comes from a subconscious spelunking. Thus, this guide is incomplete without your perspective and you know that you cannot be wrong. For you. For me, this path has been made by carefully watching my step and making a concerted effort to acknowledge my predecessors in art making, seeking, inner spelunkers of the personal unconscious that somehow connects all of us together. This path was not cut by me, I too am simply a follower of the tracks left before me.

This website showcases the last several years of work and how it interlaces conceptually from performance, installation, sound  and drawing.

Squeak Meisel spent his youth riding around on Kansas dirt roads in his grandfathers fuel delivery truck spitting cherry seeds at road signs. His adventures often took him near badger caves or running from wild turkeys. Squeak playfully addresses the daily struggles of life through immersive works that invite his viewers to participate in their own inner spelunking. He is an Associate Professor of Fine Art at WSU in Pullman, WA. In addition to having several permanently sited public works in the a Seattle area he has exhibited his temporary site based works both nationally and internationally. He was one of 28 finalists for the Portland art Museum’s 2013 Contemporary Northwest Arts Awards and was added to the Washington State Arts Commission’s roster of artists for 2013-18. He received public art of the year award from Americans for the Arts Public Art Network 2013 year in review for his work begin.
